Tuesday night my phone started buzzing like crazy. I picked it up to find a group text about an entry to Park2Park 13.1 on Saturday. A friend and her boyfriend both could not race and wanted someone to take the entry they had. After the others deferred and some subsequent hesitation, I took it. Why not?
So Saturday morning I woke up early and got myself out to Holland to transfer the entry and loosen up. After foam rolling in the back of my Subaru, I put my feet up and contemplated the race. Should I just go for a "jog"? Should I shoot for a PR? Should I try to break 1:30 for the first time? I decided that because I have a ton of fitness "leftover" from IMWI that I should just try for a PR and make a call based on how I feel after the first few miles. I haven't been doing much speed work and the last couple weeks have been stressful. Not the greatest run-in to a race, but admittedly, I wanted a little validation after being disappointed at IMWI two weeks ago.
I lined up near the front, said hi to a few friends, and found myself pretty relaxed. There weren't many lining up ahead of the 7:30 pace group, so I stuck there. Not really having anything on the line helped a lot. Soon, the gun went off and I found myself flying around the track in the top 10. I looked down and saw 6:00/mi pace. Whoa. Slow down. After backing off, I still was well under 7/mi pace. I decided I'd see how how many miles I could get under 7 minutes.
The first couple miles I found a guy to break the wind and stuck with him. He eventually slowed and I stepped up to keep the pace under 7. Next, I caught the 3rd place female. She was moving and definitely did not want me to pass her. Each time I broke even with her, she would put in a surge. This continued for a mile or two, then finally another guy caught up and slowly passed. She let him go. I decided I was going to match him and put in a dig to catch back up. I then paced off of him for the next 2 miles. At the Holland State Park, he stopped at the aid station. I slammed my Berry Blast PowerGel, grabbed my cup and kept running. He'd have to play catch up.
Once at my car, I pulled out my phone and searched for the results. I was shocked. First place in my age group! In a running race! With #hoogiesteps! Needless to say, I'm ecstatic. It was a great race, paced very well, with little specific training for that intensity and distance. Gives me a lot of hope for Riverbank Run in 2016. After the race, Kristin and Sully showed up, and Sully got to go to the beach!
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