So after nearly bombing my season on a trail race, I went out for a very easy spin on the bike. I had hydrated a lot and got some electrolytes in me. That felt good. I also used a foam roller on my legs. Hurt like hell but does wonders. Back to bed early for yet another race.
Queen's Day Criterium
I signed up for this race as part of the 2BContinued triathlon team. This is a "new" team that formed with the goal to raise funds for cancer programs as well has having fun racing and training together. I had very limited goals for this race. First, stay upright (don't crash!). Second, don't get lapped by the leaders. Third, don't come in last. A criterium is a closed loop course, usually with technical turns, where racers ride for 30 minutes. This course was pretty tough, with 8 turns per lap, crossing cobblestone sidewalks and lots of potholes.
For those of you who haven't seen a criterium in person, let's take a look at two really quick videos:
The second shows how quickly things can turn south!
The race started quickly and despite my efforts, I couldn't keep up with the leaders. If you're good, you can ride in the middle of the pack, out of the wind, and position yourself at the finish to win in a sprint. If you aren't so good, you fall off the back and drag yourself around for 30 minutes like I did. I finally caught some teammates with a lap to go, but they all wanted a free ride. So I kept breaking the wind for them. Fortunately, only one of them beat me in the sprint, for 35th place! Clearly I'm not a cyclist. Despite averaging 21.4 mph for nearly 30 minutes on a steel Bianchi, 35/50 was the best I could muster. Not to be too disappointed, I'm sure if there was a swim and a run as part of the event I would've done just fine!